Legal Separation
Legal separation is a less drastic alternative to divorce. It goes without saying that the decision to dissolve a marriage is not one to be taken lightly. It is often one of the most difficult and stressful decisions you may ever make. Be aware that a decision of this magnitude brings with it a certain degree of uncertainty and hesitation. In order to alleviate some of the anxiety and stress associated with making such a life-changing decision, and to avoid making too hasty a decision, an alternative may be legal separation.
Legal separation is very similar to divorce in many ways. It can involve legally enforceable court orders that spell out the obligations, rights, and responsibilities of both parties. Orders are established that spell out parenting time, child support, and other considerations. Legal separation differs from a divorce in that it does not allow the spouses to remarry and does not permit the wife to resume using her maiden name.
At Celenza Family Law, we have assisted many clients in Concord, NH with legal separations, often in situations where the religious beliefs of one or both parties do not recognize divorce, or where one or both of the spouses believes there may be the chance for reconciliation through counseling.
Celenza Family Law
87 Clinton St.
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