Check this page frequently to stay updated about our firm and the latest practices. We hope to provide our readers and clients with news, relevant information, and updates on the law and upcoming events of interest.
Recent Posts
The New Hampshire Supreme Court has recently issued its Order on the hot-button issue of homeschooling. In the matter of Martin F. Kurowski and Brenda A. Kurowski. That Order and all Supreme Court Orders can be viewed at the New Hampshire Supreme Court website. Check that site frequently to stay up to date on laws affecting you and your family.
Attorney Celenza recently attended a seminar on Parental Alienation Syndrome and Custody Evaluations in New Hampshire. His regular attendance at these seminars ensures Celenza Family Law is up to date on the laws, tools, and procedures needed to best represent you and your legal interests.
Attorney Celenza is again actively working with the New Hampshire Bar Association Mentoring Program, helping new attorneys make their way through the Legal Process and Judicial System, and teaching them techniques to best help their clients.
C. Michael Celenza recently finished his second successful term coordinating and directing the 26th annual Bow Invitational Basketball Tournament, which brought over 380 New Hampshire middle school boys and girls together to compete in a healthy and positive basketball tournament. Money raised through these efforts will pay for children’s sporting events and other activities in Bow, NH.
C. Michael Celenza just entered his third leadership term on the Little League Board of Directors where he is coordinating with coaches, players, and parents to support Little League baseball in New Hampshire.
Check out our FAQ page for more information. If you have a question about one of our practice areas that we haven’t answered, please call the office at (603) 226-4796.
Celenza Family Law
87 Clinton St.
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